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Caveats is a feature within SpiceDB that allows for relationships to be defined conditionally: the relationship will only be considered present if the caveat expression evaluates to true.

Caveats allow for Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC)-style decisions on top of the Relationship Based Access Control (ReBAC) model derived from Google Zanzibar.

Getting Started​

Caveats are named expressions that can be defined in schema via the WriteSchema call, alongside the definitions for object types.

A caveat is defined with a name, one or more well-typed parameters, and an expression, which is a CEL ( expression returning a boolean value:

caveat my_caveat(first_parameter int, second_parameter string) {
first_parameter == 42 && second_parameter == "hello world"

Parameter Types​

The supported parameter types can be found at, and are currently:

anyAny value is allowed. Useful if you have a variant type.
int64-bit signed integer
uint64-bit unsigned integer
doubleDouble-width float type
bytesA byte string
durationA duration of time
timestampA timestamp in time (usually UTC)
list<T>A generic list of values of another type
map<T>A generic map of values of another type. NOTE: all keys must be strings
ipaddressA custom type implemented by SpiceDB representing an IP Address

Some Examples​

Basic comparison​

caveat is_tuesday(today string) {
today == 'tuesday'

Attribute Matching​

The example below defines a caveat that requires that any expected attributes found within the expected map are a subset of the attributes in the provided map:

caveat attributes_match(expected map<any>, provided map<any>) {

IP address checking​

The example below defines a caveat that requires that a user’s IP address is within a specific CIDR range:

caveat ip_allowlist(user_ip ipaddress, cidr string) {

Allowing caveats on relations​

To allow a caveat to be used when writing a relationship, the caveat must be specified on the relation within the schema via the with keyword:

definition resource {
relation viewer: user | user with ip_allowlist

In the above example, a relationship can be written for the viewer relation to a user without a caveat OR with the ip_allowlist caveat.

To make the caveat required, the user | can be removed.

Writing relationships with caveats and context​

When writing a relationship for a relation, both the caveat and a portion of the β€œcontext” can be specified:

WriteRelationshipsRequest {
Updates: [
Operation: CREATE
Relationship: {
Resource: …,
Relation: "viewer",
Subject: …,
OptionalCaveat: {
CaveatName: "ip_allowlist",
Context: structpb{
"cidr": ""

A few important notes:

  • The Context of a caveat is defined both by the values written in the Relationship, as well as those provided in the CheckPermissionRequest: if empty, then only the context specified on a CheckPermission request will be used. Otherwise, the values in the Relationship take precedence over those in the CheckPermissionRequest.
    • Context of a caveat provided in Relationship is stored alongside the relationship and is provided to the caveat expression at runtime. This allows for partial binding of data at write time.
  • The Context is a structpb, which is defined by Google and represents JSON-like data:
    • To send 64-bit integers, encode them as strings.
  • A relationship cannot be duplicated, with or without a caveat, e.g. two relationships that differ only on their use of a caveat cannot both exist.
  • When deleting a relationship, a caveat does not need to be specified; the matching relationship will be deleted if present.

Issuing checks​

When issuing a CheckPermission request, additional caveat context can be specified to represent the known context at the time of the check:

CheckPermissionRequest {
Resource: …,
Permission: …,
Subject: …,
Context: {
"user_ip": ""

The check engine will automatically apply the context found on the relationships, as well as the context provided by the CheckPermission call, and return one of three states (

  • PERMISSIONSHIP_NO_PERMISSION - The subject does not have the permission on the resource.
  • PERMISSIONSHIP_HAS_PERMISSION - The subject has permission on the resource.
  • PERMISSIONSHIP_CONDITIONAL_PERMISSION - SpiceDB was missing context information to fully determine whether the subject has permission.

In the case of PERMISSIONSHIP_CONDITIONAL_PERMISSION, SpiceDB will also return the missing context fields in the CheckPermissionResponse so the caller knows what additional context to fill in if they wish to rerun the check and get a determined answer.

LookupResources and LookupSubjects​

Similarly to CheckPermission, both LookupResources and LookupSubjects can be provided with additional context and will return one of the two permission states for each of the results found (either has permission or conditionally has permission).

Full Example​

A full example of a schema with caveats can be found below, which allows users to view a resource if they are directly a viewer or they are aviewer within the correct IP CIDR range:


definition user {}

caveat has_valid_ip(user_ip ipaddress, allowed_range string) {

definition resource {
relation viewer: user | user with has_valid_ip
permission view = viewer

Write Relationships​

WriteRelationshipsRequest {
Updates: [
Operation: CREATE
Relationship: {
Resource: {
ObjectType: "resource",
ObjectId: "someresource",
Relation: "viewer",
Subject: {
ObjectType: "user",
ObjectId: "sarah",
OptionalCaveat: {
CaveatName: "has_valid_ip",
Context: structpb{
"allowed_range": "",

Check Permission​

CheckPermissionRequest {
Resource: {
ObjectType: "resource",
ObjectId: "someresource",
Permission: "view",
Subject: {
ObjectType: "user",
ObjectId: "sarah",
Context: {
"user_ip": "",

Validation with Caveats​

The Assertions and Expected Relations definitions for validation of schema support caveats as well.


Caveated permissions can be checked in assertions by the addition of the assertCaveated block:

Assertions for caveated permissions
- "document:specificdocument#reader@user:specificuser"
- "document:specificdocument#reader@user:caveateduser"
- "document:specificdocument#reader@user:anotheruser"

To assert that a permission does or does not exist when some context it specified, the with keyword can be used to provide the context:

Assertions for caveated permissions with context
- "document:specificdocument#reader@user:specificuser"
- 'document:specificdocument#reader@user:caveateduser with {"somecondition": true}'
- "document:specificdocument#reader@user:caveateduser"
- "document:specificdocument#reader@user:anotheruser"
- 'document:specificdocument#reader@user:caveateduser with {"somecondition": false}'

Expected Relations​

Expected relations notes if a subject is caveated via the inclusion of the [...] string on the end of the subject:

Expected Relations with caveats
- "[user:specificuser] is <document:specificdocument#reader>"
- "[user:caveateduser[...]] might be <document:specificdocument#writer>"

Expected Relations does not evaluate caveats, even if the necessary context is fully specified on the relationship. This means that a caveated subject that might actually return HAS_PERMISSION will appear as subject[...] in expected relations