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What is a ZedToken?​

A ZedToken is a token representing a point-in-time of the SpiceDB datastore, encoded for easy storage and transmission.

"ZedToken" is the SpiceDB name for Zookies.

Why should I use them?​

In SpiceDB, there is a requirement for both proper consistency, as well as excellent performance.

To achieve performance, SpiceDB implements a number of levels of caching, to ensure that repeated permissions checks do not need to be recomputed over and over again, so long as the underlying relationships behind those permissions have not changed.

However, all caches suffer from the risk of becoming stale: if a relationship has changed, and all the caches have not been updated or cleared, there is a risk of returning incorrect permission information.

This problem is known as the New Enemy Problem: a permission for a user could be removed, sensitive information then added into the protected resource, and if the permissions check for that user had been previously cached as Affirmative, then the user could incorrectly be granted access to sensitive information.

To work around this problem, while still ensuring excellent performance, the SpiceDB API supports ZedTokens: a token that specifies that caches must have data at least as fresh as this token, or else they cannot be used.

How do I use them?​

A ZedToken is typically used by first issuing a authzed.api.v1.CheckPermission or authzed.api.v1.WriteRelationships call. The API call will return a ZedToken, which the caller then stores alongside the resource (e.g. in an additional column in a relational database).

On the next permissions check for the resource, the ZedToken is provided to SpiceDB, ensuring that the check is working with data as fresh as the previous request.

When changing the content of a resource​

  1. Issue an authzed.api.v1.CheckPermission request for the resource, with Consistency of fully_consistent to ensure the current user still has access
  2. The ZedToken is found in the checked_at field in the Check response.
  3. The ZedToken is stored next to the resource, in the database.

When adding or removing a relationship for a resource​

  1. Issue an authzed.api.v1.WriteRelationships request for the resource, to add or remove a relationship permitting access to that resource, for a subject.
  2. The ZedToken is found in the written_at field in the Write response.
  3. The ZedToken is stored alongside the resource wherever that may be.

When adding or removing a resource​

  1. Issue an authzed.api.v1.WriteRelationships request for the resource and its parent resource, indicating that the resource is now linked to its parent resource.
  2. The ZedToken is found in the written_at field in the Write response.
  3. The ZedToken is stored alongside the parent resource.
  4. Use the ZedToken for future authzed.api.v1.LookupResources requests.

Using the stored ZedToken​

All CheckPermission calls are given the stored ZedToken via the Consistency configuration:

// If ZedToken is present
consistency: {
at_least_as_fresh: ZedToken{
token: `stored zookie`

// Otherwise, use full consistency
consistency: {
fully_consistent: true

Frequently Asked Questions​

If I store ZedTokens will they become stale at some point?​

Only if used with at_exact_snapshot: A ZedToken represents a point-in-time, so if you use an older ZedToken with at_least_as_fresh in the Consistency option passed to your CheckPermission call, the ZedToken ensures that it defines merely a lower bound for staleness.

Sending a very old ZedToken with at_least_as_fresh is more or less a no-op: if all the caches have caught up (which they should do within a few seconds), then no additional work is necessary on SpiceDB's side.

If used with at_exact_snapshot, the ZedToken can become stale after that point in time's data has been removed by the garbage collector.

How do I check a permission at a specific point in time?​

You can pass the ZedToken as at_exact_snapshot in the Consistency options to ensure the API result is computed at that exact point.


SpiceDB will expire garbage and collect it over time. The above API call can fail with a "Snapshot Expired" error. It is recommended to only use this option if you are paginating over results within a short window. This window is determined by the --datastore-gc-window when running SpiceDB.

How should I interact with Zedtokens when I'm modifying content in my application?​

The recommendation (see above) is to issue an authzed.api.v1.CheckPermission request for the resource being modified with Consistency of fully_consistent before sensitive information is saved, storing the resulting ZedToken along with the sensitive information being written.

This ensures that subsequent permission checks that are provided the ZedToken will compute on the state of the permissions system from when the sensitive information was written.

How do I use ZedToken's with authzed.api.v1.LookupResources?​

Since LookupResources provides the ability to lookup all accessible resources of a particular type, this means we cannot simply use the ZedToken associated with the resources being found.

The recommendation for using a ZedToken with authzed.api.v1.LookupResources is to use the ZedToken stored for the parent resource of the resources being found, but only if information can be leaked during the search.

For example, imagine the following schema:

definition user {}

definition organization {
relation admin: user

definition resource {
relation org: organization
relation viewer: user

permission view = viewer + org->admin

Since all resources "live" within an organization, the recommendation is to store the ZedToken created when the relationship between the resource and its parent organization is written. By doing so, when the ZedToken is provided to the lookup, the resource is guarenteed to be visible. It is also recommended to grant the user access to the resource in the same call to WriteRelationships.

What happens if I lose my ZedToken?​

You can always get a new one by issuing any call in v1 (CheckPermission with Consistency of fully_consistent is recommended).

What happens if I don't use a ZedToken at all?​

The SpiceDB API will default to Consistency of minimize_latency.

If you do not intend to store ZedTokens and you care about the New Enemy Problem, it is recommended that all calls use Consistency of fully_consistent (which has a major performance hit, but is fully safe). Really, though, you should store ZedTokens.

But I really don't want to store a ZedToken​

Only ever using a consistency of minimize_latency can expose your application up to the New Enemy Problem. However, if that is not a concern and you are okay with a staleness window of 5-30s (SpiceDB's default is ~5s), then you can use minimize_latency without major concern.

Further Questions?​

See also this discussion for some insights